The Seven Realms of A'Teth (release 2.1) (c)1996 Christopher Jarvis
This game is an action/adventure RPG in which you control a team of four characters, who are on a quest to rid the land of the evil which it is presently beset by. In order to do this, it is believed that they must discover the truth about the "legend of the Seven Realms."
Further instructions can be accessed from the main menu of the game.
This game requires the diskfont.library and ENV: assigned to ram:. Your workbench should do this anyway, but bear this is mind if yo want to create a bootable floppy. Please note that to run this game you will need to assign the directory all the files are in as "SevenRealms:" otherwise the Grafix/SFX will not be found by the program and it may well crash. Alternatively, if you are running it from floppy disk, simply rename the disk "SevenRealms:" and it should work.
This version (release 2.1) is a public domain version. Please distribute it as much as possible, and also play it as much as possible. When you have played it, please e-mail your comments to:
The full version is shareware, and if you register the PD version with me you will get:
* 7 Levels
* 56 Areas to explore
* 25 Different monsters to defeat
* 16 Default characters
* Personalized copy
* Intro story
* End of game sequence
* Custom character editor (see below)
* Labelled disk
* Short story giving the background to the game (and also being jolly entertaining!)
To register with me you will need to send a £3.00 cheque (£4.00 outside U.K or equivalent in own currency)(do not send cash) made payable to Christopher Jarvis. Send to:
Christopher Jarvis
15, Loughton Way
Buckhurst Hill
It is v.important that the envelope is marked "Registration" as otherwise it will take a little while for your letter to get to me.
****** EXTRA SAVING!!!! ******
(nb. this only applies to the UK.)
If you want to register cheaper here is how:
The £3.00 registration fee is made up of: £2.25 game registration
£0.75 P+P
If you wish to register more than one copy of the game then the postage only has to be paid once, so
1 = £2.25 + 75p = £3.00
2 = £4.50 + 75p = £5.25 (saves 75p)
3 = £6.75 + 75p = £7.50 ( " £1.50)
4 = £9.00 + 75p = £9.75 ( " £2.25)
However, all of them will be sent to one address, so it is important that you include in the envelope the names of all individuals and their addresses, so that each individual copy may be registered to an owner, who will be given a unique registration number, and entered on a database. All names and addresses given to me will be strictly confidential and NO persons other than myself will have access to that information.
Please register, as this will insure my continued support to the Amiga and to the Public Domain/Shareware industry.
Not only will registering get you all the above goodies, it will a) provide a nice feeling that you are helping to support an independent writer who is striving to create the best possible cheap entertainment; b) support the Amiga as a massive user-base and fuel continued support; c) fight off the encroaching pc horde; d) be a really good thing to do.
Copyright notice.
All parts of this game are copyright 1996 Christopher Jarvis, and is in no way to be altered, and no graphics or sound effects are to be taken and used in other material. This version is Public Domain and may be freely distributed, on the strict understanding that all contents of the archive remain unaltered, and that no files are added to or deleted from the archive.
All parts of this work are, to my knowledge, fiction, and any resemblance to any persons or events, in the past or present, is entirely unintentional (excluding Nicky Rothon - who appears by kind permission). I (Chris Jarvis) take no responsibility for any damage done to software or hardware during use of this game - it is not designed to interact with anything other than its own file, so any damage must be entirely due to user error.